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BCH Health Segment: MitraClip Therapy
New High-Tech Treatments for Atrial Fibrillation
BCH Lecture - Recognizing and Treating Heart Failure
Reversing Atrial Fibrillation with Board Certified Cardiologist, Navinder S. Sawnhey, MD
BCH Lecture: Latest Treatments for Heart Valve Problems
Aortic Valve & Atrial Fibrillation Success Story: Mark Buciak
A Discussion of and treatments for Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) | Christopher Rogers, DO, FACAI, FACC
Lahey Hospital - Specializing in You: The Convergent Approach to Treating Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)
Atrial Fibrillation treatment
Predicting atrial fibrillation treatment outcomes through computational modelling, signal processing
BCH's Boulder Heart Clinic: Lifesaving Services, Compassionate Care
BCH Cardiologist Dr. Iyengar Talks to Denver Channel 7 About Strokes